
Since we started the Research Whisperer project in 2011, we’ve managed to build a fantastic community around our work.

We really enjoy sharing our initiatives and expertise in this area so that you and your colleagues can keep building wonderful research communities!

Academic networking: Tseen Khoo

Good networks in academia are proven to lead to more successful research collaborations, more career opportunities, and better profile for your work. You know how important it is to build these in your professional life. But what happens when none of the traditional ways of networking appeal to you? In fact, what if those modes actively put you off getting out there and doing any networking at all? This talk addresses the different ways that networking can happen and offers practical strategies to do so. It’s ideal for those of you who hear the word ‘networking’ and cringe.

  • Audience: Researchers at any level wanting different ways to network
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Numbers: No minimum. Unlimited.
  • Preferred set-up: Data projector, computer, and internet connection.

Researchers and social media: Tseen Khoo or Jonathan O’Donnell

Being savvy with social media is a desired (and increasingly expected) aspect of research engagement, research profile building, and recruiting for research. Using social media effectively can increase your citations, and lead to approaches from media, industry, and potential collaborators.

This session will inform researchers of key ways to ensure their profile and research is easily found and as accessible as possible. The workshop version offers a high level of hands-on support and interactive exercises during the event.

  • Audience: Researchers wanting to know how social media can benefit them
  • Duration: 1.5 hour talk, or 2.5 hour workshop
  • Numbers: TALK – No minimum. Unlimited.
    WORKSHOP – No minimum. Maximum of 20 attendees.
  • Preferred set-up: Data projector, computer, and internet connection.
    Additionally for WORKSHOP – Participants need to bring their own devices (laptops or tablets).

Simple ways to build your network: Jonathan O’Donnell or Tseen Khoo

There are good, broadly appealing structured ways to build effective networks without the need  for significant funds or time. This workshop will take you through some of our favourite techniques and experiences for community building, often developed around communities of practice and growing research networks: Shut Up and Write; Whispercon; Grant Camp; Academic Writing Month; Conference networking; Personal Learning Networks; and convening a research network.
By the end of the workshop, academics and administrators will have practical strategies and a plan for building their own or cohort networks.

  • Audience: Academics and administrators who want to build collegial communities.
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Numbers: No minimum. Maximum of 30 attendees.
  • Technical requirements: Data projector, computer, and internet connection. Attendees should have access to laptops, wi-fi, power and space to set up.

Managing social media communities for academics: Tseen Khoo 

This workshop will look at what it takes to start and grow a social media community or group. It includes strategies for setting codes of conduct, moderating discussions and dealing with inappropriate online behaviour, with opportunities to plan your own!

Whether you are thinking about setting up a social media group for small group work or on a larger scale for your research network, or wondering how you might better engage with social media for academic/professional purposes, this will be a great opportunity to learn more.

  • Audience: Primarily for those who are anticipating starting or managing a social media community group (e.g. Facebook group, LinkedIn group, other online forums). Note: This workshop does not cover recruitment for research projects.
  • Duration: 2 hour workshop
  • Numbers: WORKSHOP – No minimum. Maximum of 30 attendees.
  • Preferred set-up: Data projector, computer, and internet connection. Participants may want to bring their own devices (laptops or tablets).